MY BRAND NEW RADIO SHOW!! “The Upstream with brilliantfish”

The debut of my new show “The Upstream with brilliantfish” EP #1 is on Mixcloud and I’m really excited.
It’s in the tradition of late night FM deejays of the 70s (stuff i grew up listening to and wishing I could do that…) and will cover a wide spectrum of music from everywhere.
EP #1 features Canadian artists Junetile, Half Moon Run, Annelise Noronha, Adam Faux, Jonathan Seet and me, brilliantfish.
No agenda, genres, just 58 minutes of great music. So grab a drink, a smoke or whatever you need to relax and ride The Upstream.
[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]
1 Theme Of Rome by Danger Mouse/Daniele Luppi
2 In Of by Junetile
3 Full Circle by Half Moon Run
4 Saviour by Annelise Noronha
5 Josephine by Adam Faux Exploding Band
6 U Don’t Dance To Tekno Anymore by Alabama 3
7 Blackstar by David Bowie
8 Summertime by Billy Stewart
9 Monkey by Joe Henry
10 Down By The Bay by Jonathan Seet
11 No Harm by The Boxer Rebellion
12 Everybody’s Fine by brilliantfish