preview tracks
trying out a soundcloud widget over there in the sidebar. it plays my latest in-production album preview track.
thanks, Thomas Michalak! –
trying out a soundcloud widget over there in the sidebar. it plays my latest in-production album preview track.
thanks, Thomas Michalak! –
David Hines
March 12, 2013 (23:16)
March 13, 2013 (01:56)
thanks david! glad u dig, baby!
Rob Best
March 15, 2013 (07:45)
Had a good listen to “sediment” Rob, sounds really good man. The snare has a very haunting effect with your plaintive distant vocals. Love the off-beat synths around 1:40 in, and the background vocs around this point too. This song reminds me of “blue” in its feeling, kind of a postlude if you will. Great work buddy.
March 17, 2013 (04:53)
thank rob. always great to get spevific feedback and observations. lets me know someone is really listening! (but, of course, you always do!)
September 1, 2016 (16:09)
“Everybody’s fine”…g’ahhh. Love the sparseness of the orchestration and materials and all of a sudden a huge vocal swarm appears for the “everybody’s fine”. Yet the timbres and setting is so fragile and ready to break at any moment. Keep throwin’ ’em back at us. We are NOT fine. We need more great songs, ALWAYS. Thanks brilliantfish!
September 2, 2016 (02:22)
the ‘vocal swarm’! love that. The St. Louis Aquarium Choir was a wonderfully motley crew!! hats off to all of them and their beautifully broken chorus!