October 13, 2016
Throw It Back Thursday / what's new


The 9th installment of ‘THROW-IT-BACK THURSDAY’!
the ‘Catch-and-Release Sessions’
This week:

‘I Feel Everything’
[from the album ‘last‘, 2010]

throw-it-back THURSDAY-FULL web

From what I thought would actually be my ‘last album’ (silly wabbit), this began as a somewhat tongue-in-cheek song. The title got stuck in my head almost as a joke, and I thought it would be fun to realize it as a 1950s-meets-Joe Jackson type of track. While writing the lyric, though, I realized that in all my conversations with people who had been through breakups/divorces, everyone spoke of how it made them feel (“I feel angry”, “I feel betrayed”, “I feel lonely”, “I feel like I just want them back”, “I feel relieved”…), so I simply stated what I felt in my own situation: everything. Underneath the light surface, there is a more complicated core.
I especially like the string arrangement at the end.

Performed, produced & mixed by brilliantfish
Guitars performed & recorded by Jonathan Seet
Mastered by Ray Montford


dress me ın black
ı’ll be at the bar
we all had our chance
but we dıdn’t get far

ı went out on my own
and ı know what you saıd
but ı feel everythıng

spoken too much
not saıd enough
ı’d kıll for some grace
(or even cool)
but ı’m just not that tough

the end of our world
wıll slıp us past scıence
when all we wanted was savıng
and ı know what you’ve done
but ı stıll feel everythıng

[© 2010 brilliant fish music]


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