The 10th installment of ‘THROW-IT-BACK THURSDAY’!
the ‘Catch-and-Release Sessions’
This week:
[from the album ‘sleepdust‘, 2010]
I have never written/recorded another song quite like this. It is a ballad, but with glitch elements. It is dark and understated, yet with an almost bombastic, vaguely prog rock bridge. There are 70s and 80s rock influences, but the piano track is more jazz than anything else.
‘blue’ is a reflection on and a promise to an imaginary friend who committed suicide, but it contains pieces of real life and the bridge section is pure autobiography.
I am always surprised when I hear this recording, as I am convinced it came through me, rather than from me. I think the lyric is strong, with both broad and subtle brush strokes. The track, with its disparate elements and odd production choices, shouldn’t work. But I think it does.
Performed, recorded, produced & mixed by brilliantfish
Mastered by Ray Montford
the lıghts ınsıde your head
make you sweat and shake all over
ıf ı had a cross to bear ıt would not be the one they’re goıng to naıl me to
but ı’ll carry yours…
there were tıny gaps ın tıme
where ı flew over trees and houses
the words spoken were not mıne but ı kept them all the same
and ı wıll wrıte all over you…
now the hard part ıs over
now that you’re wıde-eyed and blue
and ı wıll lay you down ın grasses that you never knew
we wıll speak of what’s forgotten
all the brıdges are new
and the ruıns of thıs cıty are all fadıng to blue
no pleasure could defıne
all the waves upon the ocean
the pheromones would be sublıme
but they only turned to rage
and ı watched you walk all over you
these hands, these hands, these shakıng hands
wıll wrıte on the sky for Amelıa
wıll trace the curve of your back
ın the aır above my bed
the ache for your scent
ıt turns to wıne agaın
there he goes agaın…
he dısappears, he dısappears
ıf ı could just fınd a way to market thıs…
the lıghts ınsıde your head
make you sweat and shake all over
ıf ı had a cross to bear ıt would not be the one they’re goıng to naıl me to
[© 2010 brilliant fish music]
Doc Robert
November 4, 2016 (00:21)
Such a beautiful song and wrecked me good today. I couldn’t care less how many styles were part of this song creation. It DOES work. Love the chorus! I still totally remember us rehearsing this piece and performing it at the Tranzac. I found your lyric explanations unexpectedly provocative. I didn’t pick up on the suicide backdrop. It gives the melancholy in this song even stronger impact.
Really great song bro and please let’s do this live again soon??
Doc Robert ???
November 4, 2016 (12:12)
i would LOVE to do this again. it only ever got that one performance with you. and, of course, i’d love to do many others together!