The 13th installment of ‘THROW-IT-BACK THURSDAY’
the ‘Catch-and-Release Sessions’
is a somber one:
[from the album ‘last‘, 2010]
I am horrified. No words, no words.
This seems eerily apropos…
Performed, recorded, produced & mixed by brilliantfish
Guitars by Marc Ganetakos
Mastered by Ray Montford
amerıka ıs so far away
the ısotopes are ın my braın
thıs ısn’t what ı wanted to say
but amerıka ıs so far away
amerıka ıs so far away
my head explodes wıth pıctures
there’s somethıng that ı needed to say
but amerıka ıs so far away
so far away
so far away
monsters ın the closet
bodıes ın the road
no poınt playıng stupıd
cause everybody knows
everybody knows
everybody knows
[not for love / not for money…]
amerıka ıs so far away
so far away
so far away
[© 2010 brilliant fish music]
Doc Wobert
December 6, 2016 (18:05)
OMG…6 years earlier! Amerika…you said it all in advance brother. It’s the furthest away it has ever been. g’ah…President rhymes with Rump! Talk about “President’s Gas” [Psychedelic Furs]!! Great performing this with you brother! Doc Robert
December 6, 2016 (22:47)
President Fart, indeed. PLEASE don’t get me started.
but we need to do this with a full (killer) band!!